JMH Undergoes SPM Asessment

by: MBColumna | 2017

With the urge to know how far JMH Microfinance, Inc. has influenced the changes in their clients’ lives and the desire to build people at the same time build products and profit, JMH expressed its interest to be assessed on their Social Performance Management (SPM) through taking part in the Microfinance Council of the Philippines Inc.’s (MCPI) initiative.

The objectives of the SPM assessment are the following:
1. Identify the institution’s current state of practice in SPM;
2. Identify the gaps in the institution’s current practices in SPM;
3. Develop an action plan to address the gaps found in the assessments; and
4. Determine the appropriate technical assistance to be provided to participating MFIs.

It was formally announced last November 3 by Albert Robert Sicat, MCPI’s executive director, that JMH Microfinance, Inc. was chosen as a recipient of the Social Performance Management assessment conducted last December 4 – 8, 2017.

The assessment process was led by Ms. Lalaine M. Joyas, MCPI consultant and accredited Smart Campaign assessor, joined by MCPI’s program associate, Errol M. Villorente, Jr. It was a five-day on-site assessment.

An initial meeting was held with the senior management team and key staff of JMH. The purpose of the meeting was to introduce the Assessment Team, explain the Universal Standards for Social Performance Management, and discuss the activities that the Assessment Team will perform.

Documents were also reviewed, two branches, namely Sorsogon City branch and Iriga City branch, were selected for the field visit, wherein the management team, branch staff and clients were interviewed, and on the final day, a debriefing was conducted with JMH management and staff to discuss initial findings. The meeting aimed to stimulate active discussion of the findings, encourage questions and allow different perspectives to surface. The debriefing was also an opportunity to discuss pilot initiatives, and if possible, come to an agreement on which improvements JMH will undertake.

After the conduct of the SPM assessment, JMH was informed by MCPI that the institution qualified for the follow-up technical assistance. The technical assistance on SPM aims to develop an action plan based from the results of the social performance assessment and implement the action plan for a period of six (6) months to improve JMH’s social performance management.

JMH Microfinance, Inc. realized that if they want to reinforce the institution’s sustainability, there is a need to define a more integral and profitable reason for existence. Once JMH’s SPM system is institutionalized and understood by all departments, clients and staff will be given a greater sense of value while attaining financial success.